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Eye Testify
All can come unto Christ:
“You might as well baptize a bag of sand as a man, if not done in view of the remission of sins and getting of the Holy Ghost. Baptism by water is but half a baptism, and is good for nothing without the other half—that is, the baptism of the Holy Ghost” (History of the Church, 5:499).
Our family:
We are larger than most but have the average pains and struggles of any other family. Our time is spent in raising our kids, managing our careers and looking to the day of disconnecting, and fostering our relationship with Christ and that of our marriage. We are imperfect as any other, but our desires are in seeking the face of the Lord and pointing all others to Christ.
At the time of this writing in 2021 we have been married for over 16 years and have been through many of life's struggles that can present themselves in that time. However, through all we have experienced we have found the greatest peace in our Savior; typically as a result of those trials. We often express that the time and energy required to raise our children makes serving that much more difficult - to which, it is through our kids that the Lord is helping us become who He desires us to become. We actively participated in Church activities and service inside our community to the extent made possible with the current COVID restrictions. Holding a peaceful sacrament meeting in our home is a challenge.
We are faced with our own imperfections on a daily basis and do not claim to have some special understanding or idea of how to come to our Savior except that a man or women must enter into the New and Everlasting Covenant found "in" the Book of Mormon that of a broken heart and contrite Spirit. Through this process our desires are to forsake all that we know to come unto our Savior. We have found the greatest mysteries and truths of the Kingdom of God are generally found within a contradictions to our current beliefs - meaning its okay to be wrong - we desire all deceptions, false beliefs, and misunderstandings to be rooted out of us. But we desire to learn from all and truly believe all must be willing to accept truth where ever it may be found to fully understand God and His ways. There is truth in all things and we believe He has yet to reveal all truth unto us.
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